As stated in a few of my other reviews, I received this whole series for Christmas from a friend that met the author at an event and I was NOT disappointed.
I think Depression is probably my favorite one out of all the novels/novellas this author has put out. While each has their own place in my newly cult like attraction to the series, Depression takes the cake. (ha Thane)
So this has a few spoilers but not enough to give it away.
Depression picks up at the end of Bargaining at the Silver Rose Ball where things are not going according to plan.
Sera and Lucas show up
Some weird, maybe bad, guy is there that seems suspiciously like a little known character.
What I loved:
It was fun to see everyone's point of view in the beginning. I felt like the author wrote this like you would see watching it on tv. She did a great job of tying everything in together without overdoing it and maintaining the flow of the story.
This book encompasses grief. The raw emotion brought tears to my eyes several times so be ready for that.
She did a great job at writing the emotion in this one. It broke my heart, made my chest hurt, and had me wondering how she was able to write it so powerfully.
You watch Averie spiral in a way that I think only people that have lost someone important to them can. You see her Denial, Anger, and Barganing, her Depression and ultimate self distruction (Gives new meaning to the names the author chose for her books...was this intentional? another bread crumb?)
You watch her friends struggle to help her through while dealing with their own grief (Callen *tears for days*) each in their own was, while also trying to defend the Realm and see the ultimate cost of it all.
When Averie and Thane are together....seriously get the tissues.
What I didn't like:
I can't say because major spoiler but I really hope essential to the story.
The way the author expresses grief and anger for each of her characters...exposing the truth of such powerful emotion in so many different ways was incredibly powerful. I wasn't expecting to read a fantasy novel and get a new outlook on emotion but I did.
I cannot recommend this book enough. Beautifully, painfully written.